
Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Descriptive about sapodilla

Sapodilla is a large and leafy tree, can grow to as high as 30-40 m. Sapodilla has wooden stem. The diameter of the stem is for about 30 cm to 60 cm. The trunk has a rough skin and colored gray to brown. The bark is fragille, but the wood is so stong and hard. Sapodilla has a thick white sap.

Sapodilla’s leaves have Oval-shaped, the upper part of leaves are bright green, and the bottom is dark. The Petiole is dark Green. The length of the leaf is for about 8 cm to 15 cm. Sapodilla tree is covered by many leaves, so that it’s very cool and shady.

Sapodilla has Egg shaped fruits. The fruits shape is oval, like an egg. The raw fruits are light green, and ripe fruits are brown. The size is for about 6 cm to 9 cm. The raw fruits’s taste is very sour, and the flesh is har, while the Ripe fruit’s taste is sweet with the soft flesh. The fruit stalk is short, for about 2 cm to 4 cm, and the colour is dark green, Rich in carbohydrates because 20% portion consists of sugar. Sawo contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium is high so it is good to maintain healthy blood vessels, and also contains tannins, young sapodilla fruit can be boiled and the water is taken to stop the diarrhea. Can also help overcome the problems in the lungs.

Sapodilla tree flowers grown in the end of the branches. In one branch, ther’re fore about 4 to 6 flowers. The colour is White, with fine brown hairs. The diameters of the flower is for about 1,5 cm, with the flower stalk that is 2cm in length.

The root of the Sapodilla tree is tap root. By its, root, the sapoodilla can find its food and Supporting the plants body. The root is so strong. the colour si dar grey to brown.

Some sapodilla tree planted in plain lace, even though the sapodilla tree can be planted up to 2500 m above sea level. sapodilla tree is also resistant to drought, so the sapodilla tree can survive even a dry season.

Sapodilla in great demand because it is sweet and soft flesh. Some of the enthusiasts came from Asia, especially Southeast Asia. And now, sapodilla began to be cultivated in tropical regions such as Los Banos (Philippines), Queensland (Australia), India, Cuba, Brazil, Costa Rica, Florida and Hawaii (United States).

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